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STEP 1:  If you're interested in a musical but aren't all that familiar with it, you can peruse a show which allows you to view a video and script.  See details below. 


STEP 2:  If your interest has grown and you would like to produce a CDP musical, you must obtain a license.  A license grants you rights to perform the show and outlines all fees.  To obtain a performance license, you must first submit the license application.  The processing time  can vary from 2 days to 2 weeks.  Some musicals may be restricted in certain areas or at certain times depending on whether it is already being produced in that city or region.  Therefore, wait to plan a production or announce a season until your license is approved in writing.


STEP 3:  If the show is available for the dates and location you indicate on the above application, fees are quoted and a contract is generated and emailed to you.  This should be returned to CDP with the appropriate signatures and fees within six weeks time.  If it is not returned within that period, show availability and the fees quoted may be withdrawn.


There are five basic fees involved in licensing a musical: 

• Non-Refundable Security Fee

• Licensing Fee

• Royalty Fee

• Refundable Materials Deposit

• Consulting Fees


A Non-Refundable Security Fee secures the date and location of your performance.


A Licensing Fee is required to rent and download all materials needed to produce the show including the script, vocal charts, etc.  When you enter into a licensing agreement, the materials supplied by CDP are the only authorized performance materials to be used for each show and must be rented from CDP as a condition of the license.


A Royalty Fee is due whenever a play is presented in front of an audience, whether an admission is charged or not. The fact that a performance is free or a benefit performance is taken into account when fees are quoted.


The Materials Deposit is required and refunded upon returning the hard copies of the script, vocal charts and other materials within the prescribed deadline, minus any shipping/handling charges or outstanding balances. 


The Consulting Fee is also required for those producing a particular show for the first time.  This allows a CDP Consultant to assist the local Producer/Director bring about a successful performance.


STEP 4:  Once CDP has received your signed contract and the appropriate fees and deposits, you are given access to the CDP Customer Site where all production, directing and rehearsal materials are made available. Certain items such as the Script are immediately accessible.  Vocal Charts, Sound Tracks, etc. become available six months  prior to your performance.  For specifics, please go to the show your interested in.



                                Birthday of a King


                                Indestructible Life (Available November 2015)



To peruse a show, please complete the perusal application.  Upon approval, you will receive a code giving you online access to the entire script and the performance video for a period of 45 days.  This can be shared with up to 2 other people. 

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